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Our mission at Paws-itive Partners is to reduce overpopulation through prevention. Spaying and neutering your pet is the best way to reduce unwanted litters. 

But I want my pet to experience being a mother!

Animals do not have the same feelings of motherhood that humans do. They do love and care for their offspring, but if they don't have babies, they don't feel like they "missed out" on being a parent. That is a human trait. 

I don't want to take away his manhood.

Again, animals do not feel emasculated after being neutered. That is a human emotion that people put on their animals unfairly.

They will become fat and lazy and I don't want their personality to change. 

Your pet will become fat and lazy if you let them. Pets tend to become less active as they age. It is your responsibility to exercise them and feed them the appropriate amount. Their personalities will not change. Neutered pets may be quieter and more content since they do not have the hormonal desire to roam and mate.

Everyone wants puppies and kittens – it will be easy to find them homes.

Thousands of puppies and kittens are put-to-sleep each week because they are unwanted. Pet overpopulation is a serious issue and by allowing your dog to have litters, you are adding to the problem.

It would be good for my kids to experience the miracle of birth.

Kids can experience the miracle of birth without their pet having puppies or kittens. Check out educational videos at the local library or online.


Why should I spay or neuter my pet?

The most obvious reason to spay and neuter is birth control.  Until there are enough people to adopt cats and dogs, PAWS-itive Partners will promote stopping littering. Another important reason for your pet to have surgery is better health.  A cat or dog that has been spayed or neutered is unlikely to get certain cancers. Spayed females won’t get uterine or ovarian cancer and have very little chance of breast cancer. Neutered males are less likely to have prostate cancer and they cannot get testicular cancer.


My pet is a purebred, so should it be prevented from having a litter?

Mixed or purebred, there just aren’t enough people adopting pets.  About one in four dogs in shelters and rescue centers are purebred.  Responsible pet breeders have homes for their potential litters before they breed.  Caring breeders never sell litters on street corners or in parking lots.


Is it fair to take away my pet’s sexuality?

Dogs and cats do not think like humans.  They do not have a sexual identity or sexual ego.  They do not have a desire to experience birth or parenthood; animals reproduce only from instinct and not from emotion. Dogs and cats do not care if they are spayed or neutered. You might feel worse about spay and neuter than your pet ever will.


Is it okay to have just one litter?

It’s a myth that it is good for a female pet to have a litter before spaying.  Medical evidence indicates just the opposite. Some people think their pet is so special that they want one of their puppies or kittens. It’s not likely that your special pet will produce offspring identical to them. Remember, there are shelter pets waiting for adoption that are just as cute, special and loving as your own.  Some adults want their child to experience the miracle of birth.  Instead, teach children that every litter counts and teach them that spaying and neutering is part of being a responsible pet owner.


Is the expense for spaying and neutering worth it?

Yes! This is a one-time, cost-effective expense that can improve your pet’s health and quality of life. Spay and neuter can prevent frustrations for you.  It can reduce the expense to your community to collect and care for all the unwanted or abandoned animals in shelters.  Neutered animals are less likely to roam and fight, and spayed and neutered animals are better, more affectionate companions.

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